Monday, May 11, 2020

whale mesurement


I've researched the size of an Minke Whale
1 Minky Whale = 5.5m 
I have figured out how many minke whales will fit in my house:   
5x5.5=27.5       so 5 minky whales will fit in my house and maybe one baby one 

Autumn poem

Autumn Days

The days are getting shorter, autumn has arrived and now I can enjoy……...

Cozy evenings sitting snuggled up and wrapped in a blanket by the crackling burning fire.

Throthing hot chocolates strait from the stove to warm me through.
Animals playing in the autumn whisaling winds.
The burring sound of revving chainsaws slicing through trees for firewood.
Steaming hot pies strait from the oven.
The smell of pine as we stroll through the forest.
Gathering up twigs and braches for a massive bonfire ready to be lit.
Kids playing in the brown, red and yellow cruchy leaves enjoying themselves.