Tuesday, September 1, 2020


Hedgehogs are covered in millons of long spiky prickles.
                                          Hedgehogs sneak around in the night in search of food.
When a predator comes near a hedgehog the frightened hedgehog curls up into a tight ball and pops it's                                                                                           prickles up.
                                                         Hiding hedgehogs hibernate in hedges.

This is our shoe fish

        Blake and I made shoe fish for our chapter chat tasks.

Windy day

Leaves cascade with the whirling wind.                      Trees lean when the wind catches on the leaves and           branches.

  Dust zooms and shoots in people's eyes.

  The wind howls like a wolf.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

My maths number frames

Spend local day out

Fishing net for.$9
Fishing rod for.$34-69
Fishing hooks for.$11
Bmx bike.$399
Hot wheels car.5.00
Total $499.69

Monday, May 11, 2020

whale mesurement


I've researched the size of an Minke Whale
1 Minky Whale = 5.5m 
I have figured out how many minke whales will fit in my house:   
5x5.5=27.5       so 5 minky whales will fit in my house and maybe one baby one 

Autumn poem

Autumn Days

The days are getting shorter, autumn has arrived and now I can enjoy……...

Cozy evenings sitting snuggled up and wrapped in a blanket by the crackling burning fire.

Throthing hot chocolates strait from the stove to warm me through.
Animals playing in the autumn whisaling winds.
The burring sound of revving chainsaws slicing through trees for firewood.
Steaming hot pies strait from the oven.
The smell of pine as we stroll through the forest.
Gathering up twigs and braches for a massive bonfire ready to be lit.
Kids playing in the brown, red and yellow cruchy leaves enjoying themselves.


Thursday, April 30, 2020

capter chat task to make some home bakeing to give to the docters and nerses who looked after fudge

chapter chat is a twitter chat for nz kids the twitter chat is based around a chaper book read aloud in class

chapter chat tasks

.1.  I think that choosing fudge for the toddle bike cormershell was a good idea because because he's funny and he's a toddler and people like fudge a lot .2. I think that mr hatcher was good at looking after the kids because he had fun with them and he took them to the movies even though his omelets are´not the best .3. I would be angry, annoyed and a little bit worried about fudge. .4. Peters mum was a strict and series mum but she also worries about fudge a lot .5. I wonder what fudges brother peter thinks of his brother and i wonder if any one else in fudges town acts like him .6. I thought the ending was good because it all worked out in the end but i feel like there could of been another chapter because we don't know if peter liked his new pet and if fudge found a way to annoy peter again .7. I think that the main themes of the story was family life and the hospital  .8. I enjoyed the story a lot. I would probably give it a score of 7.5. I think it was very interesting and very funny.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

lego challenge day.4

lego star wars scene spaces
ship got shot by a gun on the engine and the bad guys are trying to get the crystle to build massive gun to destroy the galexsy good guys trying to stop then