Thursday, April 30, 2020

chapter chat tasks

.1.  I think that choosing fudge for the toddle bike cormershell was a good idea because because he's funny and he's a toddler and people like fudge a lot .2. I think that mr hatcher was good at looking after the kids because he had fun with them and he took them to the movies even though his omelets are´not the best .3. I would be angry, annoyed and a little bit worried about fudge. .4. Peters mum was a strict and series mum but she also worries about fudge a lot .5. I wonder what fudges brother peter thinks of his brother and i wonder if any one else in fudges town acts like him .6. I thought the ending was good because it all worked out in the end but i feel like there could of been another chapter because we don't know if peter liked his new pet and if fudge found a way to annoy peter again .7. I think that the main themes of the story was family life and the hospital  .8. I enjoyed the story a lot. I would probably give it a score of 7.5. I think it was very interesting and very funny.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Oscar. I am impressed with your answers to those questions. Great work. Next time maybe try a new line for each question and then it is easier to see your answers.
